
Squiller is written in Rust and builds with Cargo:

cargo build --release


The repository comes with a Nix-based development environment that puts pinned versions of the necessary build tools on the PATH. Alternatively, you can source the build tools manually. To enter a development environment with Nix 2.10, you need to run Nix either with:

--extra-experimental-features nix-command
--extra-experimental-features flakes

or you can add these settings to your ~/.config/nix/nix.conf. Then enter a development shell:

nix develop --command $SHELL

The Nix flake can also be used to build the application. This is not recommended for development because you lose incremental compilation, but flakes can be a useful way of integrating Squiller into the build pipeline of a different project. To build the flake:

nix build
result/bin/squiller --help


Squiller can be packaged like any Rust application. A release build with cargo build --release will produce the binary in target/release. The currently supported Rust version is listed in rust-toolchain.toml, but other versions may work.

Squiller includes a file src/ with metadata about itself, which gets embedded in generated code for traceability. Please update it before building to include the commit hash of the source checkout.


Run the unit tests:

cargo test

Run the golden tests:


Run one of the fuzz tests (in this case typecheck):

cargo +nightly-2022-06-25 fuzz run typecheck -- -dict=fuzz/dictionary.txt

Build the documentation or view it locally:

mkdocs build
mkdocs serve