
Number is the type of all numbers in RCL. This page documents the supported methods and operators. For an overview of the syntax and representation, see the numbers chapter in the language guide.

Addition and subtraction

The + and - operators add and subtract numbers.

// Evaluates to 42.
21 + 21

// Evaluates to 42.0.
45.5 - 3.5

The result will have as many decimals as the input with the most decimals. In particular, when both inputs are integer, the result is also integer.


The * operator multiplies numbers.

// Evaluates to 42.
2 * 21

// Evaluates to 42.0.
4 * 10.5

The number of decimals in the result is the sum of the number of decimals of the inputs. For repeated multiplication of numbers with a decimal part, this can grow quickly. Use round to limit the number of decimals in the result.


The / operator divides two numbers.

// Evaluates to 42.
84 / 2

Currently, division is supported only when the result can be represented exactly. This limitation should be lifted in a future version.


Number.round: (self: Number, n_decimals: Number) -> Number

Round the number to n_decimals decimal places. The result is not in scientific notation (it has no exponent), even when the input is. When n_decimals is 0, this means that the result is an integer. This rounds away from 0.

// Evaluates to 0.4.

// Evaluates to [42, -42].
[(41.5).round(0), (-41.5).round(0)]

// Evaluates to 4200.