The language

This chapter characterizes the Pris domain specific language in various ways. It may help to determine where Pris is positioned relative to other languages. If you want to get your hands dirty, the examples may be a better way to get started.


Pris is purely functional, in the following sense:

  • Pris has first-class functions: functions can be passed around as values.
  • Functions in Pris are pure: they have no side effects.
  • Values in Pris are immutable, there are no mutable objects.

Pris is imperative, in the sense that blocks consist of statements that are executed sequentially. A statement is either assignment to a variable, a put statement that places a frame, or a return from a block. Although assignments mutate the bindings in the current scope, and put statements mutate the current frame, these mutations are only visible to the current block, and do not affect the surrounding scope.

x = 1
y =
  x = 2
  return x
// At this point, x = 1 and y = 2.

Pris is dynamically scoped, in the sense that the variables that are in scope when a function is evaluated, depend on the call site, not on the site where the function was defined. When used carelessly, this can make make programs intractable quickly. But when used with care, dynamic scoping is a powerful tool for a graphics language, reminiscent of the cascading properties of CSS. For example, we can write a title function that makes no particular choice of color, so the surrounding scope can control the color.

title = function(text)
    font_size = 0.2h
    text_align = "center"
    put t(title) at (0.5w, 0.5h)

  // This title will be red.
  color = #ff0000
  put title("Slide 1")

  // This title will be blue.
  color = #0000ff
  put title("Slide 2")

Due to dynamic scoping, there are two ways to provide a value to a function:

  • By setting a particular variable in the calling scope.
  • By passing the value as a function argument.

Variables are useful for values that do not change often, to avoid having to pass them all the time. For example, the t function uses the font_family and font_style from the surrounding scope, but accepts the text as argument.

Type system

Pris is strongly typed, in the sense that it reports a type error for nonsensical operations, rather than implicitly coercing values. Number types have units: a length is different from a dimensionless number.

Pris is dynamically typed, in the sense that type errors in unreachable code do not cause compilation to fail.

// Calling this function will trigger a type error,
// but defining it does not.
trigger_error = function()
  return "wrong" + 0

Dynamic typing is not a deep design choice, it is simply easier to implement. Pris may acquire static type checking in the future.


Evaluation in Pris is strict. Function arguments are reduced to values before evaluating the function body, and the right-hand side of an assignment is evaluated fully before continuing to the next statement.

Suffixes are resolved eagerly. Relative lengths are converted into absolute lengths as soon as they are evaluated, and the conversion depends on the meaning of the suffix at that time. Arithmetic with lenghts does not operate on symbolic suffixes.

font_size = 0.1h
x = 1em
// At this point, x = 0.1h.

font_size = 0.2h
// At this point, x = 0.1h still.


Pris is whitespace-insensitive. Whitespace separates tokens, but the amount, and the distinction between spaces and newlines, are irrelevant. Tabs and carriage returns are rejected by the parser.

Pris does not have a statement separator. Rather, the grammar is constructed in such a way that statement boundaries are unambiguous.

// You can put multiple statements on a line.
// That doesn't mean it's a good idea though.
x = 10 y = 12 put t("12") z = 1 + 2 w = z