
Pris is written in Rust and builds with Cargo, the build tool bundled with Rust. When system dependencies are installed, cargo build is sufficient.

git clone
cd pris
cargo build --release
target/release/pris --help
target/release/pris examples/lines.pris
evince examples/lines.pdf

If building does not succeed at first, some system dependencies might not be installed. See below.


To install system dependencies on Ubuntu:

apt install libcairo2-dev libharfbuzz-dev librsvg2-dev

To install system dependencies on Arch Linux:

pacman -S --needed cairo harfbuzz librsvg fontconfig freetype2


On Mac, system dependencies can be installed through Homebrew:

brew install cairo harfbuzz librsvg fontconfig


On Windows, system dependencies can be installed inside an MSYS2 environment. More information will follow soon. For now, check out the windows branch for more information.