
Vaporware warning: this document is as much of a roadmap, as a description of what is currently implemented.

  • A Noblit database is conceptually a set of datoms.
  • Indexes facilitate queries, by storing the datoms in a particular order.
  • Indexes are trees. Tree nodes are stored in a store, and identified by a page id.
  • The value of a datom is stored externally, on the heap. The heap is a bump-pointer backing store for values, and values are identified by their offset in the heap.
  • As an optimization, small values can be stored inline in the datom.


Noblit is immutable on two levels:

  • Changing or deleting data is possible on a logical level, but these operations produce new datoms; datoms are immutable and they are never removed. This is similar to Git, where you can delete and change files, but changes are recorded as new commits.
  • Indexes are implemented as persistent trees (referring to persistent data structure, not to persistent storage). A tree modification produces a new root node, that may reference nodes from the old tree, but nodes are immutable once created, and never updated in place.

Backing indexes by persistent trees, enables consistent reads to happen in parallel with writes. Once you have the root node of an index, that tree will never change. Reads based on that root will always see the same tree, providing consistency. Because the tree is immutable, parallel reads are safe, without the need for coordination. Therefore, Noblit is very suitable for read-heavy workloads.

The flip side of Noblit’s approach to indexing is that writes need to be serialized. A write first writes the new tree nodes, up to the new root. A commit is an atomic swap of the current root page ids. Serializing writes provides the serializable isolation level by construction, but it eliminates the possibility of trading isolation for write throughput. Therefore, Noblit is unsuitable for write-heavy workloads.


Noblit is append-only on two levels:

  • The database is conceptually a set of datoms, and the only supported operation is insert.
  • The nodes of the index trees are stored in a page store, and new nodes get a new page id. Noblit does not reuse ids of unreachable pages.

The current in-memory page store implementation is an append-only vector of pages, where the page id is simply the index. The plan for the disk-backed page store is similar: an append-only file of pages, that never reuses pages in the middle.

Not reusing old pages for new tree nodes has one major advantage: caching becomes trivial. If you have retrieved the page with a given id previously, then that data will still be valid. This enables caching at all levels: caching disk data in memory, but also caching remote data locally. No coordination is required for caching either: everything is always safe to cache.

An append-only page store has the additional benefit that it enables a reproducible disk format, making Noblit databases suitable for use in reproducible builds. How data ends up on disk depends only on writes. If page ids were recycled, there would need to be a coordination mechanism to determine which pages can be recycled safely, which might make the output dependent on both reads and writes.

The downsides of an append-only page store are fragmentation and space use. Eventually, tree nodes will become unreachable, but they still exist in the index file, where they consume space, and form gaps between reachable nodes.

Garbage collection

Vaporware warning: garbage collection has not been implemented.

The downsides of an append-only page store can be mitigated with a compacting garbage collection. Traverse the trees, and write all reachable nodes to a new index file. In addition to dropping unreachable nodes, the tree nodes in the new index file can be ordered such that a tree traversal becomes a sequential scan through the file, improving disk access patterns.

A garbage collection can happen in parallel with normal operation. Apart from the required IO bandwith, writing a new index file does not interfere with the existing index file, which can continue to be used. If, once the collection is complete, the compacted trees are no longer the latest trees, then the missing datoms can be inserted into the new index file too (as a regular tree insertion), until the two files are in sync, at which point we can perform new writes against the new index file, and forget about the old file.

TODO: To be able to efficiently get all datoms added since a given transaction though, we would need a transaction-ordered index, which Noblit currently does not have. Is it worth adding one for this purpose? Or do we do something like buffer writes while the collection is in progress?

While garbage collection can mitigate the downsides of an append-only page store, it comes at a cost:

  • During the collection, extra disk space and IO bandwidth are required.
  • The collection causes write amplification: every datom in the database will be written again. While the hitchhiker tree itself ensures a logarithmic (in the total number of datoms) number of writes per datom, the rate at which nodes become unreachable depends on the transaction rate in addition to the total number of datoms, so especially in the case of many small transactions, garbage collection may be required often.
  • Coordination is required to know when the old index file can safely be removed, after collection is complete.
  • The page id no longer uniquely identifies a tree node. To retain the benefits of not reusing old names for new pages, we would need to identify tree nodes by the version of the index file, in addition to their page id.

As an alternative to garbage collection, it may be possible to keep most of the benefits of an append-only page store, while avoiding the wasted space of backing it by an append-only file, by keeping track of a mutable mapping from (virtual) page ids to (physical) file offsets. The downside is that coordination is required to update this mapping, even for reads. Also, while this avoids wasted space, it does not by itself mitigate fragmentation.