The Musium daemon can be controlled with a REST API. This API is used by the webinterface. Because Musium is a work in progress, no stability promise is made about the API, and the API is not versioned.

This page gives an overview of the endpoints that exist, it is not full reference-level material. The easiest way to learn more is to query the API with Curl.


GET /api/track/:track_id.flac

Return the track itself, as a flac file.

GET /api/album/:album_id

Return json album metadata.

GET /api/albums

Return a json list of all albums, ordered by album id.

GET /api/artist/:artist_id

Return a json object with artist details, and albums in chronological order.

GET /api/cover/:album_id

Return cover art in original resolution.

GET /api/thumb/:album_id

Return downsampled cover art.

GET /api/search?q=:query

Return json search results.

GET /api/stats

Return json library statistics.


GET /api/queue

Return the current play queue. The track at the front of the queue is the currently playing track, and it includes information about the playback position.

PUT /api/queue/:track_id

Enqueue the track with the given id.

DELETE /api/queue/:queue_id

Remove a single queued track from the queue. Note, this takes the queue id of the particular enqueuement, not the track id.

POST /api/queue/shuffle

Shuffle the queue. Returns the new queue.

POST /api/queue/clear

Clear the play queue. This does not affect the currently playing track. Returns the new queue.

Volume and high-pass filter

GET /api/volume

Return the current volume and filter parameters.

POST /api/volume/up

Increase the volume by 1 dB. Returns the new parameters.

POST /api/volume/down

Decrease the volume by 1 dB. Returns the new parameters.

POST /api/filter/up

Increase the cutoff of the high-pass filter by 5 Hz. This reduces bass content. Returns the new parameters.

POST /api/filter/down

Decrease the cutoff of the high-pass filter by 5 Hz. This increases bass content. Returns the new parameters.


PUT /api/track/:track_id/rating/:n

Set the rating for the given track to n, which must range from -1 to 2. See also the chapter on rating for more information.


GET /api/scan/status

Return the status of the current scan as a json object. Returns null if no scan has ever been started.

POST /api/scan/start

Start a scan of the library directory. If a scan is already in progress, this is a no-op. Returns the status of the scan.